How $GAMEFI investors benefit from $TITANS

$TITANS also has a relationship with $GAMEFI, the governance token of Revenant, TitanBorn’ parent company. $GAMEFI holders will benefit from the existence of $TITANS in many ways. $TITANS holders will experience the full advantages of the Revenant ecosystem by holding $GAMEFI as well.

Dividends and airdrops

As TitanBorn grows, a percentage of the generated game revenue will be set aside for dividends and airdrops for $GAMEFI holders, among other things.

Holding $GAMEFI represents a share of Revenant as a company, entitling holders to periodic dividends and adding another layer for investors to profit.

In addition, airdrops will be an essential part of the future to reward dedicated holders for supporting Revenant and TitanBorn.

Overall, the $TITANS tokenomics provide players with multiple, high-value ways to earn and use the game’s token, as well as incentivizing holding both $TITANS and the $GAMEFI governance token.

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