How do I purchase $TITANS?

You can purchase $TITANS token on NetSwap for $METIS.

Step 1 – Add the Metis blockchain to your Metamask

  1. Go to

  2. Connect your wallet

  3. Search for the Metis Andromeda Mainnet

  4. Click “Add to MetaMask”

  5. Click “Approve”

  6. Click “Switch network”

  7. To check the network, go back to MetaMask, and we will see that the Metis Andromeda Mainnet appears on the list.

Step 2 – Exchange your $ETH for $METIS on RocketX Exchange

  1. Go to RocketX Exchange:

  2. Connect your wallet

  3. Select the amount of $ETH you want to exchange for METIS

  4. Click “Cross Chain Swap” and agree to the terms and conditions

  5. Confirm the transaction

  6. You now have Metis in your wallet

Step 3 – Go to Netswap to buy your $TITANS

  1. Use the direct link. If that doesn’t work, go to step 2.

  2. Go to Netswap:

  3. Connect your wallet

  4. Find the $TITANS token in the dropdown

  5. Select the amount of $METIS to exchange for $TITANS

  6. Click “Swap”

  7. Congrats! You now have $TITANS in your wallet

Last updated